Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Connected communitiesGroup work _ Tom Inns
Today was the first day for group work. Tom gave us a short presentation about a research proposal on ‘connected communities’. This project will be a virtual proposal for funding purposes. If I take a PhD course, this project would be essential. He mentioned research funding. What is a research council in the UK? Of course I would like to get funding but it seems difficult for me because I still struggle with English. Nonetheless, I keep the information about research council organizations, just in case!
He gave to each group tasks with paper. He is really good at making a structure of the process for a project. During his presentation, he uses multi-materials, together with his enthusiasm. He first put paper on a white board and then extended the drawing areas out with the paper, by using different coloured markers. From my experience in Korea, I have image of a professor always pretending to be a man of dignified appearance, who uses technical material for teaching. There is a big gap between students and teachers in Korea. However, my image of ‘learning’ has changed since arriving here. I have been impressed, ever since he tried to perform with chairs (see above picture). Other lecturers are also very open with students. If I ever have an opportunity to teach someone, I would use the design thinking process I have learned here.
5 topics on 5 huge white papers

Chris and Fiona belong to our group. We just looked each other and instantly formed a friendly team. I feel so comfortable with them because we were in the same team for the 2108 project. The start was good. As usual,we tried brainstorming to find five interesting topics on A1 white paper. I am now used to this kind of process. I noticed that my behavior was now so natural, whereas, before, I was always nervous when we had a group discussion during semester one but now, I have the feeling of belonging in my group.
Working with them is always such fun. I talk freely and my team members understand what I say. This is good! We know each other better so we understand each other more, even although, I do not speak English fluently. I appreciate it that I can enjoy my group work. I am sure that feeling good brings more effective results the the work.
For the next week, fill five projects on the ‘Project Sketch’ forms!