Connected communities
Group work _ Tom Inns

Today was the first day for group work. Tom gave us a short presentation about a research proposal on ‘connected communities’. This project will be a virtual proposal for funding purposes. If I take a PhD course, this project would be essential. He mentioned research funding. What is a research council in the UK? Of course I would like to get funding but it seems difficult for me because I still struggle with English. Nonetheless, I keep the information about research council organizations, just in case!
He gave to each group tasks with paper. He is really good at making a structure of the process for a project. During his presentation, he uses multi-materials, together with his enthusiasm. He first put paper on a white board and then extended the drawing areas out with the paper, by using different coloured markers. From my experience in Korea, I have image of a professor always pretending to be a man of dignified appearance, who uses technical material for teaching. There is a big gap between students and teachers in Korea. However, my image of ‘learning’ has changed since arriving here. I have been impressed, ever since he tried to perform with chairs (see above picture). Other lecturers are also very open with students. If I ever have an opportunity to teach someone, I would use the design thinking process I have learned here.

Working with them is always such fun. I talk freely and my team members understand what I say. This is good! We know each other better so we understand each other more, even although, I do not speak English fluently. I appreciate it that I can enjoy my group work. I am sure that feeling good brings more effective results the the work.
For the next week, fill five projects on the ‘Project Sketch’ forms!
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